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  The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. The Dragon Boat Festival always changes days frequently in the Gregorian calendar, but in the lunar calendar, it is always the fifth day of May. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, was a major day for disease elimination and epidemic prevention in the spring and Autumn period. After Qu Yuan died in the country, it became a day to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

  In the Dragon Boat Festival, people have to race dragon boats, eat zongzi, hang wormwood and other activities, among which the essential thing is to eat zongzi. But my mother buys zongzi outside every year and has never made it by herself. This year, I want to make zongzi by myself, so I asked my mother to make delicious zongzi for me. Finally, at my request, my parents agreed.

  When all the materials were ready, my mother took out two pieces of pork, cut them into small pieces, soaked the glutinous rice in cold water for half an hour, and then washed the green zongzi leaves clean. "Since we make it ourselves, we'll make meat dumplings different from those outside." Mother smiled and said to me.

  Starting to pack zongzi, I saw my mother put three zongzi leaves in the palm of her hand, roll them into a small horn, put a layer of glutinous rice in it, then put a few pieces of pork, and then put a layer of glutinous rice. Finally, seal the mouth, press it tightly with your hand, pick up a zongzi thread with your right hand, and wrap it tightly around the zongzi for three times, followed by a perfect knot. The zongzi is even wrapped. I felt itchy, so I wrapped it like my mother, but it was either big or small, or I opened up and down, and the glutinous rice leaked out. "For the first time, that's good." With my mother's encouragement, I packed more vigorously. After a while, we packed a big pot.

  My mother cooked the zongzi in the pot for four hours. The long-awaited zongzi finally came out of the pot. When the lid was opened, a smell came to my nostrils, including the fragrance of zongzi leaves and the taste of pork. Finally, our family happily ate delicious zongzi.

  This Dragon Boat Festival is very meaningful. I not only ate the zongzi made by myself, but also knew the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and the story of Qu Yuan.



  The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double FifthFestival, is celebrated on May 5th on lunarcalendar.It is a folk festival widely spread with ahistory of over 2,000 years, and is one of the mostimportant Chinese festivals as well. There are variouscelebrating activities on that day, among which the customs of eating rice dumplings anddragon boat racing are quite important.There are many legends on the origin of the DragonBoat Festival.Some people think it is to commemorate the poet Qu Yuan, while others say it isto be in honour of Wu Zixu, a famous general during the Warring States period. However, thelegend of Qu Yuan spreads most widely. People appreciate highly the noble sentiment andprominent talent of this patriotic poet and are very sympathetic with the ending that hecommitted suicide by drowning himself in a river.

  端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival),又称重五节,于每年农历五月初五庆祝。 这是广泛流传2000多年的民间节日,也是中国最重要的节日之一。端午节当天举行各种庆祝活动,吃粽子和赛龙舟(dragon boat racing)是其中的重要习俗。关于端午节的起源,有很多传说。一部分人认为端午节是为了纪念诗人屈原,另一部分人则认为是为了纪念战国时期的将领伍子胥。然而,屈原的传说流传最广。人们非常欣赏这位爱国诗人的高尚情操和出众才华,更对他投江自尽的结局深表同情。



  The Dragon Boat Festival comes from the story of Qu Yuan: the patriotic poet Qu Yuan came up with a good idea to enrich the country and strengthen the people, but it was not adopted by the king. Instead, he was expelled from the palace. Qu Yuan was so angry that he jumped into the Miluo River. After learning this, the local fisherman rowed a small boat and scattered the rice in the bamboo tube to Qu Yuan in the Miluo River. Later, people changed rice in bamboo tubes into zongzi, and changed rowing boats into dragon boats to commemorate Qu Yuan. Our whole family admired Qu Yuan very much. Therefore, our family celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

  The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi. Our family has a real expert in making zongzi - my mother. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, our family can eat delicious zongzi. My mother often said: zongzi wrapped with reed leaves is the most fragrant. Therefore, every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother makes zongzi with reed leaves. Before making zongzi, she first made preparations: put the leaves of reed in water and cook, and wash the prepared glutinous rice and jujube respectively. When the leaves of the reed cooled, she began to make zongzi. She first took three leaves and rolled them into a cone. Then she put a jujube, then put glutinous rice in it, and then put a few jujubes in the middle. Finally, she tied the leaves with thread and wrapped a zongzi. Her dumplings are fat and big, like old Buddha sleeping. After the dumplings are wrapped, my mother puts them in a pressure cooker and steams them for 40 minutes, then puts them for three or four hours to make them delicious, and then you can eat them! The rice dumplings made by my mother are so fragrant that I will eat them as soon as I see them. Therefore, whenever I eat zongzi, I always eat a lot!

  After the Dragon Boat Festival, we should not only eat zongzi, but also race dragon boats!

  I like watching dragon boat races best. Dozens of sailors are rowing with oars and beating drums with high morale. "Come on, come on!" The cheerleaders outside the stadium were full of passion and issued thunderous shouts and cheers. The sailors had to row harder. The whole scene of the dragon boat race was very spectacular and warm.

  Eating zongzi and dragon boat racing, these two traditional customs jointly weave a noisy Dragon Boat Festival.




